Aya Hasegawa is a sweet Japanese girl ready for office sex (2011)

Aya Hasegawa is a sweet Japanese girl ready for office sex
1 rapidgator.net
Released: 2011
Runtime: 11:06
Description: Aya Hasegawa is a sweet Japanese girl ready for office sex. She is a hot milf who starts off the video by being in an office suit which quickly gets taken off to reveal her sexy, smooth skin and curvy body. She starts into herself by using sex toys and a vibrator to massage her tight pussy and make it all wet. Then, she gets into her foot fetish stage where she has to use her feet to jerk off the stud that she is trying to please. After some hot foot fetish action, he's about ready to bust his nut all over the place, so she uses a little bit of hand work to please him even more and make him ejaculate, spewing his warm man cream all over her hands and everywhere else.
Categories: Toys, Office lady, Footjob, Stockings, Handjob
Models: Aya Hasegawa
Viewed: 4,827

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Hasegawa Aya

to jerk off

into her

skin and curvy

is a
all over her
to reveal her
is a

nut all

gets into her

cream all over

ready for office

work to please

starts into

milf who

suit which quickly

some hot
foot fetish

sweet Japanese

by being

she has to

bust his nut

Then she gets

her tight pussy

for office

a little

a little bit

hot foot
and a

taken off to

Aya Hasegawa is a sweet Japanese girl ready for office sex (2011) Movie Top Japanese Adult Movies XXX TopJavX.com

Movies XXX

girl ready

make it
pussy and make
Hasegawa is

a sweet

office sex
to massage her

please him

TopJavX com

foot fetish action

Aya Hasegawa is a sweet Japanese girl ready for office sex

his nut

her sexy smooth

wet Then she

to please

taken off
please him even

hand work to


hot foot fetish

please After

video by

stud that
curvy body

off the stud

her sexy

She is a

in an office

has to use

make him

the video

all over the
action he s
girl ready

hands and everywhere

smooth skin and

by being in

the place

for office sex

ejaculate spewing his

Top Japanese

nut all over
Aya Hasegawa is
so she uses
he s

vibrator to massage

little bit

the video by

sex She

massage her tight

a sweet Japanese
to please After

so she


Aya Hasegawa

uses a little

She is a hot milf who starts off the video by being in an office suit which quickly gets taken off to reveal her sexy, smooth skin and curvy body

she uses a

an office suit

trying to

girl Aya
suit which

she gets into

that she

to reveal

everywhere else

the stud

Japanese Adult
toys and a

it all

sex She is

off the video

warm man

and curvy body

using sex toys

smooth skin

all over

sex toys and

herself by

reveal her sexy

over her hands

her foot fetish



little bit of

She starts

a vibrator to

more and make
place so
her tight

massage her

bust his

foot fetish stage
and make
in an
cream all

being in an


please After some

starts into herself

she has

who starts

After some

stage where she

else 2011

herself by using

over the place

her hands

her feet
vibrator to

about ready

foot fetish

use her feet

uses a

ready office
wet Then

After some hot foot fetish action, he's about ready to bust his nut all over the place, so she uses a little bit of hand work to please him even more and make him ejaculate, spewing his warm man cream all over her hands and everywhere else

curvy body She

feet to jerk
who starts off
place so she

where she

and make him
ready to bust

into her foot

by using

Japanese girl
spewing his warm
ready to

her foot

into herself by
starts off the

fetish action

an office

quickly gets

to massage
a vibrator
hot milf
Hasegawa is a
off to reveal
office sex She

into herself

work to

him ejaculate spewing

body She
to use her
use her
skin and

pussy and

and curvy

ejaculate spewing

office suit which

fetish stage

Aya Hasegawa

stud that she
about ready to
off the
tight pussy and

his nut all

is a hot
for office

over the

of hand work

everywhere else 2011

(2011) Movie

to please

the place so

reveal her

that she is
girl ready for

she uses

Then, she gets into her foot fetish stage where she has to use her feet to jerk off the stud that she is trying to please

s about ready

Japanese girl ready

action he

Adult Movies

has to

to bust

to jerk

which quickly gets

him even
she gets

milf who starts

bit of

and a vibrator
man cream
to use

ready for

and make

sex toys

and everywhere else

is a sweet

some hot foot
gets taken off

She starts into herself by using sex toys and a vibrator to massage her tight pussy and make it all wet

Movie Top
hands and
man cream all
all wet Then
by using sex

is trying

tight pussy

sweet Japanese girl

sweet Japanese

she is trying
bit of hand

spewing his

where she has

him even more

office sex

she is
it all wet

the stud that

hand work

body She starts

to please him

Japanese girl

over her

is trying to

Then she
sexy smooth skin
make him ejaculate
jerk off the

a hot

off the

ready for

even more and
being in

gets into

stage where
is a

more and

sex (2011)

and everywhere
his warm

her hands and

video by being
off to
Hasegawa is

fetish action he

to bust his

s about

which quickly

a sweet

fetish stage where

After some hot

toys and
all over

hot milf who

office suit
and make it

feet to

of hand

a hot milf

quickly gets taken

make it all

using sex

starts off


all wet

even more

gets taken

warm man cream

jerk off

trying to please

her feet to

She is

sexy smooth

him ejaculate
his warm man

he s about

She starts into
(0.01 s)