Seira Takahashi Lovely Asian doll has juicy smooth pussy (2011)

Seira Takahashi Lovely Asian doll has juicy smooth pussy
Released: 2011
Runtime: 20:17
Description: Seira Takahashi is a hot Asian model with a shaved and juicy pussy. She is in her bedroom resting on her bed. Her boyfriend comes in to see her and is interested in her pussy. He plays with her cunt through her panties and finally takes them off so he can finger her juicy slit. She grabs his cock and deep throats him for a hot blowjob. He lies her down and with her legs over the end of the bed, he spreads them and inserts his cock in her bald juicy cunt for a deep penetrating fuck. When he is through, he removes his cock and jerks off to cum on her big tits! Seira Takahashi is surprised that he does this and smiles as he dumps his load.
Categories: Blowjob, Teen, Hardcore, Shaved pussy, Cumshot
Models: Seira Takahashi
Viewed: 5,528

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bald juicy cunt

When he

down and

grabs his

throats him

off to

her pussy

penetrating fuck When
for a
that he
cunt through

hot Asian model

deep penetrating
Adult Movies

his load

comes in to
model with a

to see her

bed Her boyfriend

Takahashi Lovely

Seira Takahashi is

with her

her bedroom

jerks off
removes his cock
her bald
her juicy slit

Japanese Adult

and is interested

off so he

cock and deep

them off so

big tits!

resting on her

her juicy
the end
bedroom resting on
a hot blowjob
his cock
off to cum

has juicy

cum on

her big

She is in her bedroom resting on her bed

juicy slit

the bed he

Her boyfriend comes

with a shaved

over the
She grabs his

so he

model with

finger her
jerks off to
through he removes

is a

her bald juicy

to cum on

interested in her
inserts his cock

is through

her and is

he spreads them

his cock

slit She grabs

shaved and juicy
Takahashi is

for a

finger her juicy

see her and

of the bed

a hot Asian
blowjob He lies

in her pussy

and with
fuck When

takes them off

juicy pussy She
this and

in her bald

in her

Asian model with

Seira Takahashi

is surprised
him for

fuck When he

his cock and

as he dumps

interested in

tits! Seira Takahashi
has doll

He lies her

as he

he is through
She grabs

doll has

and smiles

cock in her
blowjob He

bald juicy

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in her

and jerks off
to see

He lies her down and with her legs over the end of the bed, he spreads them and inserts his cock in her bald juicy cunt for a deep penetrating fuck

her pussy He

to cum


penetrating fuck

spreads them
her legs over
Asian model

boyfriend comes

grabs his cock

comes in

and juicy

them and inserts

for a hot

surprised that he

with a

end of the

that he does
does this
this and smiles

he removes his

a shaved and
on her bed

panties and

panties and finally

is interested in

deep throats him

them off

he does this

and smiles as

in her
her panties
Asian doll

Lovely Asian

does this and

he does

he is
pussy (2011)

his cock in

through he

with her legs
and jerks

deep throats

through her panties

resting on

hot blowjob

he dumps his

cunt for

Top Japanese

juicy pussy
deep penetrating fuck
He lies
off so
is in her

a shaved

big tits! Seira

so he can

Movie Top

When he is

him for a

and is

cock and

and juicy pussy
smooth pussy
hot blowjob He
finally takes

plays with her

Seira Takahashi Lovely Asian doll has juicy smooth pussy (2011) Movie Top Japanese Adult Movies XXX

her down and

and inserts his
in to

he dumps

is surprised that

in to see
is interested
cunt through her

and deep

and inserts

He plays with her cunt through her panties and finally takes them off so he can finger her juicy slit

finally takes them

juicy slit She

end of

takes them

her and

legs over

(2011) Movie

hot Asian

with her

Takahashi is a

the bed

on her
bed Her
see her

his cock and

of the

her bed

Her boyfriend

When he is through, he removes his cock and jerks off to cum on her big tits! Seira Takahashi is surprised that he does this and smiles as he dumps his load

smiles as

smiles as he

he can finger

her cunt

spreads them and

Seira Takahashi

cock in

the end of

inserts his

her panties and

her bed Her

he spreads
is in
bed he spreads

his load 2011

over the end
a hot

Her boyfriend comes in to see her and is interested in her pussy

and finally


plays with

is through he

load 2011
She is in


cum on her
a deep
and deep throats
juicy smooth
her legs

with her cunt

lies her down

pussy He plays
and finally takes
cock and
dumps his
down and with

She grabs his cock and deep throats him for a hot blowjob

boyfriend comes in
juicy cunt

legs over the


Seira Takahashi is a hot Asian model with a shaved and juicy pussy

juicy cunt for

He plays with

her cunt through

her down

is a hot

throats him for

pussy He

a hot

through her

tits! Seira

his cock

them and

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Takahashi is


her bedroom resting

dumps his load

bed he

bedroom resting

Seira Takahashi

a deep penetrating

in her bedroom

Seira Takahashi is


cock and jerks

removes his

her big tits!

cunt for a

he can

He plays

pussy She
has 2011
She is

can finger

pussy She is
can finger her

Takahashi is surprised

for a deep
he removes

lies her

slit She

on her

shaved and

and with her

surprised that

on her big

(0.01 s)