Junna Kawai Pretty Japanese girl gives a blowjob (2010)

Junna Kawai Pretty Japanese girl gives a blowjob
1 rapidgator.net
Released: 2010
Runtime: 06:54
Description: Junna Kawai is a hot mature Asian housewife. She is acting in a video for the first time. She takes her guy's cock in her mouth and licks it before taking it down her throat for a good hard sucking as she slides her mouth up and down his hard shaft. She gets a load of cum in her mouth and then she is playing with it in her small hands! Junna Kawai is learning fast when it comes to cum!
Categories: Blowjob, Mature, Cumshot, Amateur
Models: Junna Kawai
Viewed: 2,488

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to cum! 2010

shaft She

Asian housewife She

down his
mouth and

in a video

gets a

takes her

is learning fast
She is
her throat for
the first

her guy s


learning fast when

licks it before

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mouth up

load of cum

then she

she is

is a hot

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slides her

fast when
is acting
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her small hands!

for the

a good

a video

cum in her

down her throat

as she
her small
gives a

for the first

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girl gives

hands! Junna

Junna Kawai Pretty Japanese girl gives a blowjob (2010) Movie Top Japanese Adult Movies XXX TopJavX.com

a good hard

Junna Kawai

(2010) Movie

hard shaft

time She

2010 blowjob

in her

up and

cum! 2010

in her

taking it

good hard

it in

Kawai is learning
Pretty Japanese

acting in


She takes

and licks it

playing with

hands! Junna Kawai

it in her

a hot mature

mouth up and

a load

a blowjob

video for

Junna Kawai is
throat for

for a


her throat

a hot

Junna Kawai

Japanese girl
cock in
She is acting
is playing with
She gets

She is acting in a video for the first time

comes to

before taking
Kawai Pretty
mouth and

a load of

is acting in

cum in

in her mouth

then she is

mouth and then

cock in her

playing with it

the first time

throat for a
when it comes
slides her mouth
load of
learning fast

She gets a load of cum in her mouth and then she is playing with it in her small hands! Junna Kawai is learning fast when it comes to cum! 2010

TopJavX com

her mouth

first time She

and down his
down his hard

mature Asian housewife

she slides her

She takes her

it down her

in a

acting in a

takes her guy

blowjob (2010)

her mouth and

sucking as she

and then she

her mouth

taking it down
is a
She gets a

his hard

as she slides
gives Japanese
her mouth up
licks it
her guy

it comes

sucking as

small hands!

Junna Kawai

up and down

video for the

time She takes

comes to cum!

with it

his hard shaft


Kawai is

mature Asian

she is playing

She takes her guy's cock in her mouth and licks it before taking it down her throat for a good hard sucking as she slides her mouth up and down his hard shaft

before taking it

it comes to

in her

she slides

in her small

Asian housewife
s cock

and then

her mouth and

hard sucking

gets a load
and down

good hard sucking

small hands! Junna

hard shaft She

hot mature Asian

a video for

hard sucking as

fast when it

housewife She
first time

in her mouth

it down


mouth and licks

to cum!

housewife She is

down her

shaft She gets

it before taking
is playing

Kawai is

hot mature
s cock in
for a good

with it in

Kawai is a

Junna Kawai is a hot mature Asian housewife

when it


is learning

guy s

her mouth

and licks

of cum in

it before

Junna Kawai is
guy s cock

of cum

(0.01 s)